Note: NCC original vs. fake
Important information: Beware of counterfeit NCC products - we only sell originals
Counterfeit NCC displays of varying quality are currently in circulation. These counterfeits often look deceptively genuine.
How can you recognise an original NCC product?
- QR code to check authenticity: Since 18 July, all NCC displays have had a new, counterfeit-proof system. There is a unique QR code on the back of the display that can be scanned with a smartphone. Once the code has been scanned, authenticity is confirmed:
A ‘√’ symbol indicates that it is a genuine NCC product.
Note that each QR code can only be scanned five times to prevent misuse.
- New NCC marking: The quality level of the display is also printed on displays delivered from 18 July 2024 as an additional authenticity feature.
In the video, we show you how you can check the authenticity of your NCC display yourself.